

Edmonton Oilers: The Roller Coaster Ride We Can't Quit

Ah, the Edmonton Oilers. If you’re a fan, you know the drill: the euphoria of drafting Connor McDavid, the heartache of that time we almost, kind of, nearly made it through the playoffs, and the ever-present dread that somehow, someway, the Oilers will find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Let’s take a dive into the good, the bad, and the downright hilarious moments that make being an Oilers fan the emotional roller coaster it is.

The Glory Days: When the Ice Was Our Playground

Before we delve into the comedic tragedy that often defines the modern Oilers, let's rewind to a time when Edmonton was synonymous with hockey greatness. The 1980s. Names like Wayne Gretzky, Mark Messier, and Paul Coffey weren't just players; they were legends, gods on skates who turned the rink into their personal playground. The Oilers dominated the NHL, winning five Stanley Cups in seven years (1984, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1990). It was an era of mullets, mustaches, and manly hockey that was so good it could make a grown man cry. And many did, often into their Molson Canadians.

But alas, the '80s came to an end, and with it, our golden era. Gretzky got traded to the Los Angeles Kings, a move that prompted a nationwide therapy session and possibly the single greatest spike in Canadian beer sales.

The Long Winter: Two Decades of Darkness

After the Gretzky trade, things took a turn. The Oilers went from dynasty to despair quicker than you can say "rebuild." The '90s and early 2000s were a harsh winter for Oilers fans. Playoff appearances were rare, and when they did happen, they were usually short-lived. The team seemed to be in a perpetual state of rebuilding, with high draft picks that often turned out to be high-profile busts.

Who can forget names like Nail Yakupov? Drafted first overall in 2012, Yakupov's NHL career was as fleeting as an Edmonton summer. His infamous "fist pump celebration" after scoring against the Kings remains one of the few bright spots in his Oilers tenure, which otherwise was marked by a lot of promise and very little delivery. He’s now plying his trade in the KHL, which seems fitting, given that his NHL career ended with more questions than answers.

The McDavid Era: Hope Springs Eternal

Then, in 2015, a beacon of hope. The hockey gods smiled upon us and delivered unto Edmonton a savior in the form of Connor McDavid. Drafted first overall, McDavid was touted as the next Gretzky, the franchise player who would lead the Oilers back to the promised land. And to be fair, he has been nothing short of spectacular. With McDavid’s speed, skill, and hockey IQ, he’s made defensemen look like pylons and goaltenders look like beer league backups. He's a highlight reel every time he steps on the ice.

McDavid’s tenure, however, has not been without its frustrations. Despite his otherworldly talents and the equally impressive Leon Draisaitl, the Oilers have struggled to find consistent success. The playoffs have been a mixed bag, with the team often bowing out earlier than fans would like. It’s like having a Ferrari in the garage but no gas in the tank; the potential is there, but something always seems to be missing.

The Meme Team: Finding Humor in the Heartbreak

Being an Oilers fan means embracing the chaos. You learn to find joy in the small victories and laugh at the absurdities. For instance, the 2021 playoffs, when we were swept by the Winnipeg Jets despite having two of the league’s top scorers. Or the time in 2020 when we were eliminated by the Chicago Blackhawks in the play-in round, a team that was supposed to be in rebuild mode. These moments, painful as they are, have become part of the team's quirky lore.

Then there’s the eternal search for a reliable goaltender, which has been like looking for a needle in a haystack. Names like Mikko Koskinen and Mike Smith have tried valiantly, but inconsistency has been the order of the day. Every time we think we’ve found "the guy," we’re reminded that in Oil Country, goaltending is a cruel mistress.

The Fans: The True Heart of the Oilers

Through it all, the one constant has been the unwavering support of the fans. Edmonton Oilers fans are a resilient bunch, showing up game after game, season after season, with an undying love for their team. It’s a relationship that’s more roller coaster than merry-go-round, filled with ups, downs, and unexpected twists.

Rogers Place, the gleaming new arena, is a testament to this dedication. On game nights, it’s filled with a sea of blue and orange, fans cheering, jeering, and living and dying with every shift. It’s a community, a family, bound together by the shared experiences of triumph and heartbreak.

Looking Ahead: The Future Is Bright (We Hope)

So, what does the future hold for the Edmonton Oilers? With McDavid and Draisaitl in their prime, the potential is enormous. If management can surround them with the right supporting cast and finally, finally solidify the defense and goaltending, there’s no reason why the Oilers can’t compete for a Stanley Cup.

Hope springs eternal in Oil Country. We believe because we have to. Because one day, maybe soon, the pieces will fall into place, and we’ll see McDavid hoist the Cup, and the years of suffering will all be worth it.

Until then, we’ll keep cheering, keep hoping, and keep laughing at the absurdities. Because that’s what it means to be an Edmonton Oilers fan. We’re in it for the long haul, through the highs, the lows, and the hilarity in between.


Being an Oilers fan is not for the faint of heart. It’s a wild ride of elation and despair, but it’s a ride we wouldn’t trade for anything. With McDavid and Draisaitl leading the way, the future looks bright. But even if things don’t always go as planned, we’ll always have our sense of humor to get us through. So here’s to the Edmonton Oilers, the team that never fails to keep us on our toes.

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